Bear in house
May 4, 2017
Okay, not in our homes but at our homes…
Spring has finally sprung in Whistler and the bears are out in full force. After a long winter of hibernation, these incredible beasts are hungry and looking for a quick snack; preferably one that is easily and readily accessible. With the huge amount of snowfall received up until a few weeks ago, and the large amount left lingering on the mountains, the bears will remain in close proximity to residential areas where food may be easily found. Please don’t make it easy on them by following these rules, helping you and the bears stay safe and keeping them out of our homes.
- Educate yourself on Bears by visiting the Bear Smart website
- Dispose of garbage and recycling in a bear-proof manner. This one is HUGE. Do not leave garbage outside or insecurely stored around your home.
- Close your garage door when you’re in a home. This rule also applies to your front door or any other door leading outside, where an animal can gain access to from the ground level.
- Keep your vehicle clean and odour free. Food in vehicles is a target for bears. They will smash windows to get food and other smelly things like a deodorant stick or an empty coffee cup!
- Do not under any circumstance feed a bear. A fed bear is a dead bear and there are fines associated with doing so.
- Please ensure your BBQs are kept clean. Burn food residue off BBQ’s after each use and ensure the grease tray/can is empty and clean.
- When walking your dog, please keep them leashed and give grazing bears space to graze.
- If you spot a bear near your Whistler vacation rental, keep a safe distance from the bears. Read the following Bear Smart Guide to avoiding or dealing with encounters.
For more information, visit bearsmart.com or call 604.905.BEAR (2327).
A part of the charm when visiting Whistler is to experience the incredible wildlife, but getting a little too close for comfort is not always safe. Remember these rules and enjoy your spring and/or summer in Whistler!
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